

3 simple steps for banks to better serve women in business

3 simple steps for banks to better serve women in business

To better serve women in business banks need to take steps in the three key areas of institutional culture, communications and service design and delivery.Here’s how.Step 1.  Build a positive institutional culture around women in businessBanks that aim to effectively serve women in business need to build awareness and understanding of the opportunity throughout their institution. A good place to start is to evaluate the bank’s own culture with respect to how it values and supports women by taking a bird’s eye view and applying a ‘gender-lens’ to determine:

–  the extent to which women, in particular, can thrive within the institution;–  the effectiveness of recruitment and employment practices to employ, retain and develop  women;–  how far the institution effectively promotes and supports flexible working practices;–  whether women are sufficiently involved in institutional decision-making to allow for real diversity of approach;– the extent to which front-line staff, managers and senior executives understand the opportunity working with women in business presents for the bank.

Undertaking such a review will lead to a clear set of actions to provide a starting point for building a positive culture around women in business throughout the bank. The culture change can then be accelerated by appointing and training a network of male and female women’s business ‘ambassadors’ or champions who, on behalf of the bank, can continue to provide feedback on institutional culture, external communications and service delivery from a gender perspective.

Gender Finance